去加拿大蒙特利尔读本科,语言成绩不够怎么按时入学? 4346

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最近,皇冠现金网出国的同学有的已经递交了位于QC省省会蒙特利尔的康考迪亚大学的申请,但是直录的语言要求是雅思6.5,小分6 以上,同学一直担心语言达不到要求,怎么办?
康考迪亚大学语言桥梁 Intensive English Language Program(IELP)
注意:无法就读语言桥的program如下,Conditional admission is not available for
- ALL Fine Arts programs departments and programs
- Some Faculty of Arts and Science departments and programs
- Departments: Applied Human Sciences; Communication Studies; Education; English; Journalism; Liberal Arts College; Science College
- Programs: Actuarial Mathematics/Finance; Community, Public Affairs and Policy Studies; Exercise Science; Math and Computational Finance; Pastoral Care; Traduction
1. 时间:10周
2. 入读要求,语言要求如下:
Conditional admission
Intensive English Language Program (IELP) option for Gina Cody School, JMSB and select Arts and Science programs:
IELTS score of 5.5 or 5 and in both cases, only two bands as low as 4.5
多邻国DET score between 90 and 104,only two subscores as low as 70
3. 必须先拿到有条件录取
Provided all other admission criteria is met, you may be eligible for conditional admission.
With a conditional offer, you will start in theIntensive English Language Program(IELP), where you will develop the English skills necessary to enter university studies. You must attain a final grade of 70% or higher at the Advanced 2 Level to meet Concordia language proficiency requirements.
All students who have obtained a final grade of 70% or higher at the Advanced Level will take a placement test to determine if additional academic English classes are necessary. If required, the additional courses will be taken concurrently with your chosen academic program. English credit courses may count toward degree programs, with the exception of Gina Cody School programs. Visitconcordia.ca/intensive-english.
You may also choose to retake your language test before beginning the IELP. If your new results meet Concordia’s proficiency requirements, you may begin your academic program directly.